Message from the President of College Press
Greek mythology described sirens, who would sing their song to lure sailors off course to their destruction on rocks. It was a sound so enticing that, upon hearing it, sailors couldn’t resist the pursuit of their doom. Though sirens don’t exist, we know that this type of thing does exist.
Paul teaches us that false teachers disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. In the same paragraph, we learn that Satan can fashion himself into an angel of light, and his servants can disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) With those things as a part of our daily reality, it is often difficult to avoid being distracted, at best, or led astray, at worst. We need help.
Paul also teaches us of “the shield of faith” and “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6). Interestingly, Paul also made sure to point out to Timothy that he wanted his books and parchments. (2 Timothy 4:13) The authority of God in our lives is defined in His Word. But extra-biblical resources that are faithful to that biblical authority are essential to our growth and sustenance as Christians. Simply put, we need books too.
Now, I need you to know something. Despite Satan and his minions trying to entice us like the sirens did the sailors, College Press is committed to firmly stand in faithful biblical interpretation and teaching as we publish books. For 65 years, our books have been beacons in the night to lead many in the illumination of God’s Word and on the path that leads to life. Through good and bad times, these books have given generations of Church leaders and the people in the pew the help they needed to be better Bible students. These books have led many in their faithful journey as servants who will hear their Master say, “Well done.” Please know that as our small publishing company moves forward, we will continue this tradition of faithfulness.
We are shifting our publishing strategy to include a streamlined printing process and a more flexible inventory system. We are creating new books that will lead you in a biblical direction that is historically true and doctrinally sound: books like Soul’s House by J.K. Jones, Male and Female, and The Ink is Dry by Rubel Shelly, and an upcoming book with fresh, biblical communion meditations.
We are also beginning to develop a framework for some new book series. These will carry on College Press’s tradition of books with a firm foundation in God’s Word that help the reader understand the Bible with clarity to faithfully apply it in their lives today.
We plan to make a prodigious effort to get our out-of-print books back into circulation. College Press has released hundreds of books over the years. And many of those hold relevance today. With our new approach to printing, we will be able to have new print editions of College Press Legacy books. And, with the possibilities offered by digital books, we want to get many of our Legacy books into circulation via various ebook formats.
Don DeWelt wrote “Every one of the books our dear Lord has helped me write or publish is a living thing - alive and productive, and will continue to be long after I’m gone.” May it be that College Press continues to fulfill the hope Don expressed so that every Christian (especially those in the coming generations) can be better Bible students, with tools that help them perceive and follow the Light of God on their path.
Karl Halverson
President- College Press Publishing